Pool cleaning

Pool cleaning

We offer professional cleaning of stainless steel swimming pools. Furthermore,we sell chemical cleaners and other high quality products needed for thorough cleaning of a stainless steel swimming pools.

Video on how to clean a stainless steel swimming pool in 19 steps

Instructions for cleaning a swimming pool or pool made of stainless steel

To maintain the value of a swimming pool or pool made of stainless steel it is necessary to regularly clean the entire surface. For outdoor pools this is done once a year after wintering. For indoor pools after the water change but at least every 3 years.

When cleaning, pay particular attention to inlet ducts, headlight pots or other fixtures. Corrosion can occur at these points even with correct water values and despite previous body cleaning, as these points are not always rinsed around and chlorine buildup occurs. These parts must be dismantled and exposed.

After disassembly, the entire surface is sprayed with the cleaner from bottom to top or applied with a roller over the entire surface. After approx. 30 minutes, you can check whether the contamination can already be removed. If there are traces of rust, you can see how they dissolve in the cleaner. In the case of oil and grease, wipe with the blue sponge before washing off. If traces of rust do not dissolve completely in the cleaner, you can also use the blue sponge with the white side to help. The blue sponge can be used on any surface. Also in the visible area, since it does not scrub. If you use any other fleece or different material, such as a green or red fleece, the surface can be scratched. Abrasive aids can be used only in the bottom channel and in the overflow channel.

When all impurities have dissolved, the entire surface is washed off from top to bottom. Cold water and a high-pressure device with at least 120 bar are used here. Start at the point furthest away from the drain.

After cleaning, the pH-value is measured at the deepest point in the basin or in a varnish that has formed on the bottom. If the pH-value at these points is less than 6, the pool must be rinsed again.

After cleaning, the pool should be filled immediately so that no cleaner residue dries on the bottom.

As soon as you handle the cleaner, the personal protective equipment must be worn. When applying the cleaner, also pay attention to the environment. The cleaner contains acid and will attack most stones and tiles. To avoid damage to the environment, the area around the pool should be wetted with water before cleaning.

Products for pool cleaning